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The QB Power Rankings’ long three-week run with the same No. 1 is over. Cam Ward has fallen, but it was not an easy decision. He is still playing well, and the Hurricanes beat rival Florida State over the weekend.
The problem is Ward didn’t account for a touchdown in the game. In fact, he didn’t account for much of anything, as it was clearly his worst game as a Hurricane. Don’t get me wrong, you aren’t expected to be perfect around here, and we do allow some grace for bad games when you’ve built up credit. But, you know, at least get one touchdown to stay No. 1. Instead, Cam had his lowest completion rate (62.9%) of the year and his worst yards per attempt by far (5.9). It’s one thing if you throw for 350 yards and hand off to your running back for all the touchdowns. It’s another when you don’t score or put up numbers elsewhere.
At least for this week, Ward has been demoted for somebody who is more deserving of that top spot right now. We’ll get to who it is momentarily, but first a reminder of the serious business that is the QB Power Rankings.
This is not a NFL Draft board ranking, nor is it based on any kind of statistical formula. Your numbers matter, sure, but overall, I’m ranking quarterbacks based on the “juice” they have at the current moment in time. It’s a combination of how well you’re playing, what you have accomplished and what you might accomplish in the near future. If you believe a QB I haven’t listed should be listed, I only kept them off the list because I don’t like you. Or, perhaps it’s this second part. I don’t rank any QB the week after a loss……